现任:蘭州大学历史文化学院暨西北少数民族研究中心教授、民族学学科带头人、博士生导师(2004.8----),美国印第安那大学人类学系研究员Research Associate(2003.3--)
曾任:美国加州州立汉伯大学(Humboldt State University)地理学系与宗教研究系2004年联合西藏研究项目特聘专家,美国政府合同公司McNEIL Technologies, Inc语言研究中心语言学高级顾问(2001-2003),印第安那大学人类学系兼职与客座教授 (2001,8-2003.3),印第安那大学欧亚研究系访问副教授Visiting Assistant Professor (1999.8-2002.8),中国科学院自然科学史研究所助理研究员(1995-1999),青海师范大学历史系教师兼青海师范大学青海地方史研究室专职研究人员 (1988.10-1991.8),果洛自治州政府办公室秘书(1985.7-8)
·自我评介:As an active and dedicated professional scholar and an expert in Tibetan, Chinese and central Eurasian studies, since 1983 I have conducted systematic research in Tibetan plateau as well as in neighboring regions. My extensive scholarly publications, many of which have been widely cited and highly praised, focus on the ancient history of Tibet, Tibetan, Indic and Chinese medical history, current issues of Tibet, and my home region of Tsongkha. 教学I have taught varied courses of Chinese and Tibetan linguistics and broad topics on Indic, Chinese, Tibetan cultures and history and world cultures. 游学吐蕃特高原、南亚、东亚、喜马拉雅南麓与北缘、北美I have traveled through the Tibetan Plateau, China proper, India, Himalayan regions and their neighboring countries to conduct scholarly investigations (as I know few people have got to travel and conduct investigations so extensively onthe plateau and its nearby regions) and 社会与学术组织活动have also been active in organizing academic activities, such as an ongoing lecture and seminar series on "History, Science, and Civilization in Tibet."
·兴趣爱好: 游学---到世界上任何未曾去过的地区;朝圣--南无(Namo)所有世界传统宗教,包括耆那、
·座右铭: 十多年来常念"love & compassion." 前几年爱说 "I AM ME." 近一年来与人谈话说得比较
多的是"追求美 保存美 创造美。"
·口头禅: Aom Ma-Ni Padma Hum
·性格:"宁静如磐石,激情如江河"(朋友JNF 语)
·星座: Libra
·血型: O
·想做的事: 努力使一大部分梦想成真
·最好的几位外族朋友: 的确有不少
·掌握的语言: 英藏汉三语为基本工作语言。作为一职业的历史语言学学者,还学过数年到数个月不等的
·令自己满意的成就: 无
·童年是在哪里度过的: Amdo贡奔却西德哇
·童年记忆最深的人和事: 阿米嘉顶神山皑皑雪峰;着吐蕃特装的当地妇女们优雅的坐姿。
·18-25岁在干什么:大学、研究生、大学助教;每年寒暑假期以Tibetan Plateau, 河西走廊,内蒙古
地区为重点的游学。 aHaa还写下了不少献给伊的诗,有些还发表在油印刊物上。
·近期的奋斗目标是: 作一次能看到雪山、听到歌声、遇到智慧佳人与勇敢男人并有时间自由阅读的long
distant 长途旅行(游学)。
·一生的最大的理想是: 希望看到一个更加公正美好的世界,并为此而努力。
·对自己的作品最满意的是: 正在作。
·获过哪些奖励: 不多不少不大不小有一些。
·人生中最重要的经历: 有许多印象深刻的经历,一时还不好说哪个是最重要的。
| |
在首届却西德哇传统村运会上(右为藏族作家梅卓) | 在印第安那知名雕像前 |
| |
在印第安那大学图书馆 | 在印巴交界的克什米尔Gargil地区说藏语的穆斯林家中做客 |
·Major Scholarly Publications(学术论著)
(* Indicates that the work has been cited by many others)
1〈〈藏族传统文化和吐蕃特高原的环境保护〉〉"Why Was Tibet "Shangrila"? Tibet, Tibetan Culture and Environment Protection." ACollection of Papers on TraditionalCulture and Modernization. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Education Press, 1999, 5 pp.
2〈〈公元前6世纪至公元10世纪的西藏医学史纪年〉〉"The Chronicles of Tibetan Medicine from the 6th Century BC to the 10th Century AD." China Tibetology (Beijing), 1997 (No.4), pp.96 -111.
3〈〈早期藏医史研究的几个问题〉〉"A Study on A Few Outstanding Questions Concerning Ancient Tibetan History and Tibetan-Medicine-Practicing Regions in the Prehistoric and Early Times." Submitted to the 3rd International Conference on the HSTN,Aug. 7-10, 1996, Kunming. 8 pp.
4 《吐蕃诸邦国时期的藏医学》"Tibetan Medicinein the Times of the Kingdoms and Tribes (c .800/ 700 BC to AD 600)." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1996 (No.4), pp. 85-95.
5"An Overview of Tibetan Medicine Before the 10th Century." China Periodical of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing), July 21,1995, p.3 (special column).
6《 史前藏医学发展线索研究》"Hygiene, Medical Treatment and Health in Tibet in the Stone and Bronze Age." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1995, (No.2), pp.127-135, 137.
7《苏毗初探》(3)"The Relationship between the Sum-pa and the Tibetan Empire andOther Neighboring Authorities." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1992 (No.3), pp. 49-55.
8《苏毗初探》(2)"A Survey of Sum-pa Society." China Tibetology (Beijing), 1989 (No.4), pp.133-144, 158.
9《苏毗初探》(1) "Where was Sum-pa? A Research on the Historical Geographic Position of Sum-pa." China Tibetology (Beijing), 1989 (No.3), pp. 35-43.
10《苏毗初探》(4) "The Chronicles of Sum-pa." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1989 (No.1), pp. 23-32.
11《苏毗初探》(5)"A Brief History of Sum-pa." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1988 (No.2), pp. 31-37.
12《藏传佛教在安多传播发展史上的几个问题》 "On Some Issues of the History of Tibetan
Buddhism in Amdo." Qinghai History and Geography Studies (Gyi-thang, Amdo), 1987-1988 (combined issue), 6 pp.
13《"本""巫"比较研究》〉"Tibetan Bon and Chinese Wu ("Shaman"): A Comparative Study." Journal of Qinghai College of Nationalities (Gyi-thang, Amdo), 1987 (No.3), pp. 59-64.
·Major Scholarly Essays(短篇论文)
1"Why was Ru-las-skye as a Premature Baby Put in a Wild Yak Horn, According to Tibetan Historical Records? A Comparative Study with Mongolian Emergency Treatment Using the Abdominal Cavities of Cattle or Camels." China Journal for the Traditional Medicine of Nationalities (Hohhut), 1998 (No.4), p. 36.
2松东益西与〈〈四部医典〉〉"Sum-ston chen-po ye-shes-gzhungs: An Eminent Expert of rGyud- bzhi (The Four Tantras Tibetan Medicine) in the 12th Century." China Periodical of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CPTCM, Beijing), June 27, 1998, p. 4 (special column).
3〈〈宇妥萨玛元旦贡布:12世纪吐蕃特的一位伟大医生〉〉 "gYu-thog gsar-ma yon-tan mgon-po: A Great Tibetan Physician in the 12th Century."CPTCM, May 18, 1998, p. 4 (special column).
4"The Flexed-limb Burial: A Unique Custom Lasting 5000 Years in Tibet." Qinghai Daily (Gyi-thang, Amdo), May 17, 1998, p.3 (special column).
5〈〈吐蕃特传统文化中的生态观〉〉"Traditional Tibetan Culture and the Environment Protection of Tibetan Plateau." Geography and Territorial Research (Hebei),vol. 14 no.2 (May 1998), pp. 62-63.
6. "The Miraculous Tibetan Toxin and its Remedy." Qinghai Daily, May 10, 1998, p.3 (special column).
7〈〈象雄医生drang-srong dpyad-bu-khri-shes,和阿夏医生:藏文文献中最早的两位藏医医生〉〉
"Zhang-zhung drang-srong dpyad-bu-khri-shes, dGav-byed bi-byi, Dung-gi thor-cog and 'A-zha sman-pa: The Earliest Professional Physicians in Tibet in the Tibetan Historical Record." CPTCM, Mar. 9, 1998, p.4 (special column).
8、 "Traditional Culture and Environmental Protection: The Tibetan Environmental Situation, Traditional Tibetan Culture, and Tibetan Environmental Protection."Qinghai Daily, Feb.22, 1998, p.3 (special column).
9、〈〈藏汉传统医学中的吠陀医生耆婆〉〉 "Jivaka - A Famous Ayurvedic Doctor of India in Tibetan and Chinese Historical Literature." Qinghai Daily, Jan. 11, 1998, p.3.
10、 "The Origin of Tibetan Medicine: Some Legends in Tibetan Historical Works." Qinghai Daily, Dec.28 1997, p3.
11、'The First Golden Times in Tibetan Plateau: Tibetan Ancestors Lived Not a Bad Lifeduring the Neolithic Times." Qinghai Daily, Dec. 7, 1997. p. 3.
12、"mGo-log (Golok) stag-lha nor-bu: An Eminent Doctor of Traditional Tibetan Medicine in the Early Times of this Century." Qinghai Daily, Nov. 30, 1997, p.3.
13、" 'A-zha sman-pa: A Famous Surgeon from Amdo (northeastern Tibet) in the 6th Century." Qinghai Daily, Nov. 2, 1997, p.3.
·Major International and National Conference Papers(主要国际会议学术论文)
1. 〈〈安多卡切-吐蕃特东北缘的穆斯林〉〉"Amdo Khache: Muslims in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau." Submitted to the 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, September 6th-12th, 2003, Oxford University, England
2.〈〈7-9世纪在吐蕃宫廷的唐人医生〉〉Rgya-nag sman-pa and Bod-kyi btsan-po: Chinese Physicians at the Court of the Tibetan Emperor during the 7th----9th Centuries AD. Submitted to the 9th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, June 24th-30th, 2000, Leiden, The Netherlands. 11pp.
3. 〈〈仁钦桑布和"后宏"时期的吐蕃特医学〉〉 "Rinchen Zangpo and the Tibetan Medicine of the Phyi-dar Era." Submitted to the 4th International Conference on the History of Science & Technology of Nationalities, Oct 10-15, 1998,Nanning (Appeared in the Collection of Papers of the 4th International Conference on HSTN). 10 pp.
4、〈〈18世纪以前藏药在中原的传播〉〉"Tibetan Materia Medical Dissemination to theCentral Plains of China Before the 18th Century." Submitted to the 8th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, July 25-31, 1998, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. 19 pp.
5、 〈〈史前吐蕃特地区的医疗卫生研究〉〉"A Brief History of Tibetan Medicine from the Stone Age to the 6th Century A.D." A Collection of Papers of the 3rd International Conference on the History of Science & Technology of Nationalities. Kunming: Yunnan Science & Technology Press and Yunnan Agriculture Press, 1996, pp. 367-74.
6.〈〈西藏的养生术〉〉"Tibetan Ways to Good Health." The 1st International Symposium on the History of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aug 19-22, 1992, Beijing, Aug.19-22, 1995.
7. 〈〈公元10世纪以前吐蕃的养马训马与医马术〉〉与〈史前吐蕃特地区的穿颅术及医疗卫生状况〉〉 "Tibetan Skills in Horse-breeding, Horsemanship, Horse-taming and Horse-treating Before the 10th Century." The 1st International Conference on the History of Science& Technology of Nationalities, Hohhut, July 25-31, 1992.
8.〈〈 吐蕃特早期的建筑艺术〉〉"The Architectural Achievements of Tibet in Ancient Times." The 3rd Symposium on the History of Sciences and Technology of theNationalities,Oct 16-20, 1991, Xinjiang (Uighur Autonomous Region) Science and Technology Commission, Urumqi, Oct.16-20, 1991.
9、〈〈吐蕃特佛教在南亚和西方的新发展〉〉"A New Development of Tibetan Buddhismin the Indian Subcontinent and the West." The 3rd Seminar of Qinghai Association for Tibetan Studies, Qinghai College for Nationalities, Gyi-thang, Amdo, July 15-16, 1991.
10、〈〈西宁话中的藏语借词和藏化词句结构分析〉〉 "Some Examples of Borrowed Tibetan
Words and Tibetanized Grammatical Structures in the Ziling Dialect." The 1st Seminar ofQinghai Association for Tibetan Studies. Qinghai College for Nationalities, Gyi-thang, Amdo. Oct.1983.
世界传统医学人物· 吠陀与藏医部分Traditional Medical Systems in the World: Outstanding Ancient Figures in Traditional Medical Systems, South-Asia section (about 40,000 words) and Tibetan section (about 60,000 words), China Science and Technology Publishing House, Beijing (completed the manuscripts in early1998 and expected to be published in 2005). Co-collected and co-edited Book (As a major editor and contributor) A Collection of Folk Tales and Popular Ballads in Qinghai(Amdo) Folk Literature, published by the Qinghai Association of Artists, Gyi-thang (Xining), Amdo, 1984 Special Projects
Co-found Tsongkha School of Arts in my home province and also Initiated a festival called
Tsongkha Festival there on May 26,2004. 宗喀艺术节(2004.5。25-26) Initiated two festival
for traditional Tibetan dances, sports and games called THE FIRAMEGYALDE TRADITIONAL VILLAGE GAMES in my home village in Kumbum, NE Tibetan plateau from Jan 29-Feb 2, 2004 and from Feb 16-18,2005. Through the festivals we were able to actually restore and rebuild many of the most beautiful traditions of Tibet that had been lost or declined during the last several decades. "阿米嘉顶之韵"----第一届却西德哇传统村运会(2004.1.28--2.3);
"阿米嘉顶之韵"----第二届却西德哇传统村运会(2005.2.15-18)Designed two foreign language tests for McNEIL Technologies, Inc, 2001-2003美国政府合同公司McNEIL Technologies, Inc两套外国语言考试试题(2001-2003美国联邦政府有关部门备用)
·Invited Talks and Presentations (selected) 学术演讲(节选)
1." 汉藏语系"和"藏缅语"理论及其问题。"Sino-Tibetan" and "Tibeto-Burmese"
Theories and their Problems" Department of Tibetan Studies, Tso-gong (Qinghai) College for the Nationalities, June 2, 2004
2、吐蕃与古代欧亚腹地的诸游牧与商业文明"Tibet and the Major Civilizations of Eurasia"
Institute for Nationality Studies, Tso-gong (Qinghai) College for the Nationalities, April 17,2004
3、 史前吐蕃特与印欧、乌拉尔-阿尔泰诸早期文明的联系"Getting All Things together:
The Earliest Connections between Tibet and the other Major Ancient Eurasian Civilizations"
Tso-gong (Qinghai) Normal University (sponsored by the School for the Nationalities),
Gyi-thang(Xining or Ziling) , September 25, 2003
4. 古代与中世纪欧亚超级医学大系中的吐蕃医学"Independent or Dependent: Tibetan Medicine inthe Ancient and Medieval Eurasian Medical System" Sponsored by Qinghail(Tso-ngon) Association for Tibetan Medicine and Qinghai (Tsongon) Hospital of Tibetan Medicine, and met
at Tsongon Hospital of Tibetan Medicine, Gyi-thang(Xining or Ziling) ,August 27, 2003
5、欧亚大陆在技术和文化上是个整体:中部欧亚研究前沿 "Seeing Eurasia as a Whole Technologically and Culturally: Introduction to Central Eurasian Studies." Institute for the History of NaturalScience, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, April 8, 2003
6、中印美欧国际关系中的西藏问题"The Tibetan Issues and the Relations of China, India, the USA and Europe." Sponsored by Beijing-based scientific Forum CELM (Forum for the Cosmos,
Earth, Life and Man Studies), met at Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing,
Much 29, 2003
7、西藏:地域、人民与神话"Tibet: The Land, People and Mystery." Denision University, Ohio,
April 2, 2002
8、"传统"还是"现代"?对美国"现代化"的审视 One of the two main speakers at Special Panel on Cultural Exchanges: International Visitors in the Contemporary United States(organized by Dr. Dierks-the Instructor to Cultural Encounters-Early America course), Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. March 7, 2002
9、"The Beauty of Tibet (with a slide show)," in Celebration of WT Day, Bloomington, Indiana.
July 16, 2001
10. "Tibet and Her Heritage: Brief History, Arts and Songs of Tibet." Summer Workshop: "New Methods for Teaching Multicultural Music in Classrooms and Choirs," School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Jun. 23, 2001
11."The Medicines of Eurasia Exchanged in Tibet: A Brief Survey of Tibetan Medicine during the 7th -9th Centuries." Institute for the History of Natural Science (IHNS), CAS, Beijing. Dec. 1, 1998
12. "Tibetan Culture and Its Problems at the End of 20th Century." Special lecture for "Green Day". Beijing Light Industry College, Beijing. Dec. 4, 1998.
·Major Scholarly Publications(学术论著)
(* Indicates that the work has been cited by many others)
1〈〈藏族传统文化和吐蕃特高原的环境保护〉〉"Why Was Tibet "Shangrila"? Tibet, Tibetan Culture and Environment Protection." ACollection of Papers on TraditionalCulture and Modernization. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Education Press, 1999, 5 pp.
2〈〈公元前6世纪至公元10世纪的西藏医学史纪年〉〉"The Chronicles of Tibetan Medicine from the 6th Century BC to the 10th Century AD." China Tibetology (Beijing), 1997 (No.4), pp.96 -111.
3〈〈早期藏医史研究的几个问题〉〉"A Study on A Few Outstanding Questions Concerning Ancient Tibetan History and Tibetan-Medicine-Practicing Regions in the Prehistoric and Early Times." Submitted to the 3rd International Conference on the HSTN,Aug. 7-10, 1996, Kunming. 8 pp.
4 《吐蕃诸邦国时期的藏医学》"Tibetan Medicinein the Times of the Kingdoms and Tribes (c .800/ 700 BC to AD 600)." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1996 (No.4), pp. 85-95.
5"An Overview of Tibetan Medicine Before the 10th Century." China Periodical of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing), July 21,1995, p.3 (special column).
6《 史前藏医学发展线索研究》"Hygiene, Medical Treatment and Health in Tibet in the Stone and Bronze Age." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1995, (No.2), pp.127-135, 137.
7《苏毗初探》(3)"The Relationship between the Sum-pa and the Tibetan Empire andOther Neighboring Authorities." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1992 (No.3), pp. 49-55.
8《苏毗初探》(2)"A Survey of Sum-pa Society." China Tibetology (Beijing), 1989 (No.4), pp.133-144, 158.
9《苏毗初探》(1) "Where was Sum-pa? A Research on the Historical Geographic Position of Sum-pa." China Tibetology (Beijing), 1989 (No.3), pp. 35-43.
10《苏毗初探》(4) "The Chronicles of Sum-pa." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1989 (No.1), pp. 23-32.
11《苏毗初探》(5)"A Brief History of Sum-pa." Tibet Studies (Lhasa), 1988 (No.2), pp. 31-37.
12《藏传佛教在安多传播发展史上的几个问题》 "On Some Issues of the History of Tibetan
Buddhism in Amdo." Qinghai History and Geography Studies (Gyi-thang, Amdo), 1987-1988 (combined issue), 6 pp.
13《"本""巫"比较研究》〉"Tibetan Bon and Chinese Wu ("Shaman"): A Comparative Study." Journal of Qinghai College of Nationalities (Gyi-thang, Amdo), 1987 (No.3), pp. 59-64.
·Major Scholarly Essays(短篇论文)
1"Why was Ru-las-skye as a Premature Baby Put in a Wild Yak Horn, According to Tibetan Historical Records? A Comparative Study with Mongolian Emergency Treatment Using the Abdominal Cavities of Cattle or Camels." China Journal for the Traditional Medicine of Nationalities (Hohhut), 1998 (No.4), p. 36.
2松东益西与〈〈四部医典〉〉"Sum-ston chen-po ye-shes-gzhungs: An Eminent Expert of rGyud- bzhi (The Four Tantras Tibetan Medicine) in the 12th Century." China Periodical of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CPTCM, Beijing), June 27, 1998, p. 4 (special column).
3〈〈宇妥萨玛元旦贡布:12世纪吐蕃特的一位伟大医生〉〉 "gYu-thog gsar-ma yon-tan mgon-po: A Great Tibetan Physician in the 12th Century."CPTCM, May 18, 1998, p. 4 (special column).
4"The Flexed-limb Burial: A Unique Custom Lasting 5000 Years in Tibet." Qinghai Daily (Gyi-thang, Amdo), May 17, 1998, p.3 (special column).
5〈〈吐蕃特传统文化中的生态观〉〉"Traditional Tibetan Culture and the Environment Protection of Tibetan Plateau." Geography and Territorial Research (Hebei),vol. 14 no.2 (May 1998), pp. 62-63.
6. "The Miraculous Tibetan Toxin and its Remedy." Qinghai Daily, May 10, 1998, p.3 (special column).
7〈〈象雄医生drang-srong dpyad-bu-khri-shes,和阿夏医生:藏文文献中最早的两位藏医医生〉〉
"Zhang-zhung drang-srong dpyad-bu-khri-shes, dGav-byed bi-byi, Dung-gi thor-cog and 'A-zha sman-pa: The Earliest Professional Physicians in Tibet in the Tibetan Historical Record." CPTCM, Mar. 9, 1998, p.4 (special column).
8、 "Traditional Culture and Environmental Protection: The Tibetan Environmental Situation, Traditional Tibetan Culture, and Tibetan Environmental Protection."Qinghai Daily, Feb.22, 1998, p.3 (special column).
9、〈〈藏汉传统医学中的吠陀医生耆婆〉〉 "Jivaka - A Famous Ayurvedic Doctor of India in Tibetan and Chinese Historical Literature." Qinghai Daily, Jan. 11, 1998, p.3.
10、 "The Origin of Tibetan Medicine: Some Legends in Tibetan Historical Works." Qinghai Daily, Dec.28 1997, p3.
11、'The First Golden Times in Tibetan Plateau: Tibetan Ancestors Lived Not a Bad Lifeduring the Neolithic Times." Qinghai Daily, Dec. 7, 1997. p. 3.
12、"mGo-log (Golok) stag-lha nor-bu: An Eminent Doctor of Traditional Tibetan Medicine in the Early Times of this Century." Qinghai Daily, Nov. 30, 1997, p.3.
13、" 'A-zha sman-pa: A Famous Surgeon from Amdo (northeastern Tibet) in the 6th Century." Qinghai Daily, Nov. 2, 1997, p.3.
·Major International and National Conference Papers(主要国际会议学术论文)
1. 〈〈安多卡切-吐蕃特东北缘的穆斯林〉〉"Amdo Khache: Muslims in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau." Submitted to the 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, September 6th-12th, 2003, Oxford University, England
2.〈〈7-9世纪在吐蕃宫廷的唐人医生〉〉Rgya-nag sman-pa and Bod-kyi btsan-po: Chinese Physicians at the Court of the Tibetan Emperor during the 7th----9th Centuries AD. Submitted to the 9th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, June 24th-30th, 2000, Leiden, The Netherlands. 11pp.
3. 〈〈仁钦桑布和"后宏"时期的吐蕃特医学〉〉 "Rinchen Zangpo and the Tibetan Medicine of the Phyi-dar Era." Submitted to the 4th International Conference on the History of Science & Technology of Nationalities, Oct 10-15, 1998,Nanning (Appeared in the Collection of Papers of the 4th International Conference on HSTN). 10 pp.
4、〈〈18世纪以前藏药在中原的传播〉〉"Tibetan Materia Medical Dissemination to theCentral Plains of China Before the 18th Century." Submitted to the 8th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, July 25-31, 1998, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. 19 pp.
5、 〈〈史前吐蕃特地区的医疗卫生研究〉〉"A Brief History of Tibetan Medicine from the Stone Age to the 6th Century A.D." A Collection of Papers of the 3rd International Conference on the History of Science & Technology of Nationalities. Kunming: Yunnan Science & Technology Press and Yunnan Agriculture Press, 1996, pp. 367-74.
6.〈〈西藏的养生术〉〉"Tibetan Ways to Good Health." The 1st International Symposium on the History of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aug 19-22, 1992, Beijing, Aug.19-22, 1995.
7. 〈〈公元10世纪以前吐蕃的养马训马与医马术〉〉与〈史前吐蕃特地区的穿颅术及医疗卫生状况〉〉 "Tibetan Skills in Horse-breeding, Horsemanship, Horse-taming and Horse-treating Before the 10th Century." The 1st International Conference on the History of Science& Technology of Nationalities, Hohhut, July 25-31, 1992.
8.〈〈 吐蕃特早期的建筑艺术〉〉"The Architectural Achievements of Tibet in Ancient Times." The 3rd Symposium on the History of Sciences and Technology of theNationalities,Oct 16-20, 1991, Xinjiang (Uighur Autonomous Region) Science and Technology Commission, Urumqi, Oct.16-20, 1991.
9、〈〈吐蕃特佛教在南亚和西方的新发展〉〉"A New Development of Tibetan Buddhismin the Indian Subcontinent and the West." The 3rd Seminar of Qinghai Association for Tibetan Studies, Qinghai College for Nationalities, Gyi-thang, Amdo, July 15-16, 1991.
10、〈〈西宁话中的藏语借词和藏化词句结构分析〉〉 "Some Examples of Borrowed Tibetan
Words and Tibetanized Grammatical Structures in the Ziling Dialect." The 1st Seminar ofQinghai Association for Tibetan Studies. Qinghai College for Nationalities, Gyi-thang, Amdo. Oct.1983.
世界传统医学人物· 吠陀与藏医部分Traditional Medical Systems in the World: Outstanding Ancient Figures in Traditional Medical Systems, South-Asia section (about 40,000 words) and Tibetan section (about 60,000 words), China Science and Technology Publishing House, Beijing (completed the manuscripts in early1998 and expected to be published in 2005). Co-collected and co-edited Book (As a major editor and contributor) A Collection of Folk Tales and Popular Ballads in Qinghai(Amdo) Folk Literature, published by the Qinghai Association of Artists, Gyi-thang (Xining), Amdo, 1984 Special Projects
Co-found Tsongkha School of Arts in my home province and also Initiated a festival called
Tsongkha Festival there on May 26,2004. 宗喀艺术节(2004.5。25-26) Initiated two festival
for traditional Tibetan dances, sports and games called THE FIRAMEGYALDE TRADITIONAL VILLAGE GAMES in my home village in Kumbum, NE Tibetan plateau from Jan 29-Feb 2, 2004 and from Feb 16-18,2005. Through the festivals we were able to actually restore and rebuild many of the most beautiful traditions of Tibet that had been lost or declined during the last several decades. "阿米嘉顶之韵"----第一届却西德哇传统村运会(2004.1.28--2.3);
"阿米嘉顶之韵"----第二届却西德哇传统村运会(2005.2.15-18)Designed two foreign language tests for McNEIL Technologies, Inc, 2001-2003美国政府合同公司McNEIL Technologies, Inc两套外国语言考试试题(2001-2003美国联邦政府有关部门备用)
·Invited Talks and Presentations (selected) 学术演讲(节选)
1." 汉藏语系"和"藏缅语"理论及其问题。"Sino-Tibetan" and "Tibeto-Burmese"
Theories and their Problems" Department of Tibetan Studies, Tso-gong (Qinghai) College for the Nationalities, June 2, 2004
2、吐蕃与古代欧亚腹地的诸游牧与商业文明"Tibet and the Major Civilizations of Eurasia"
Institute for Nationality Studies, Tso-gong (Qinghai) College for the Nationalities, April 17,2004
3、 史前吐蕃特与印欧、乌拉尔-阿尔泰诸早期文明的联系"Getting All Things together:
The Earliest Connections between Tibet and the other Major Ancient Eurasian Civilizations"
Tso-gong (Qinghai) Normal University (sponsored by the School for the Nationalities),
Gyi-thang(Xining or Ziling) , September 25, 2003
4. 古代与中世纪欧亚超级医学大系中的吐蕃医学"Independent or Dependent: Tibetan Medicine inthe Ancient and Medieval Eurasian Medical System" Sponsored by Qinghail(Tso-ngon) Association for Tibetan Medicine and Qinghai (Tsongon) Hospital of Tibetan Medicine, and met
at Tsongon Hospital of Tibetan Medicine, Gyi-thang(Xining or Ziling) ,August 27, 2003
5、欧亚大陆在技术和文化上是个整体:中部欧亚研究前沿 "Seeing Eurasia as a Whole Technologically and Culturally: Introduction to Central Eurasian Studies." Institute for the History of NaturalScience, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, April 8, 2003
6、中印美欧国际关系中的西藏问题"The Tibetan Issues and the Relations of China, India, the USA and Europe." Sponsored by Beijing-based scientific Forum CELM (Forum for the Cosmos,
Earth, Life and Man Studies), met at Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing,
Much 29, 2003
7、西藏:地域、人民与神话"Tibet: The Land, People and Mystery." Denision University, Ohio,
April 2, 2002
8、"传统"还是"现代"?对美国"现代化"的审视 One of the two main speakers at Special Panel on Cultural Exchanges: International Visitors in the Contemporary United States(organized by Dr. Dierks-the Instructor to Cultural Encounters-Early America course), Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. March 7, 2002
9、"The Beauty of Tibet (with a slide show)," in Celebration of WT Day, Bloomington, Indiana.
July 16, 2001
10. "Tibet and Her Heritage: Brief History, Arts and Songs of Tibet." Summer Workshop: "New Methods for Teaching Multicultural Music in Classrooms and Choirs," School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Jun. 23, 2001
11."The Medicines of Eurasia Exchanged in Tibet: A Brief Survey of Tibetan Medicine during the 7th -9th Centuries." Institute for the History of Natural Science (IHNS), CAS, Beijing. Dec. 1, 1998
12. "Tibetan Culture and Its Problems at the End of 20th Century." Special lecture for "Green Day". Beijing Light Industry College, Beijing. Dec. 4, 1998.